With the high prices of goods, you may be struggling to ensure that your monthly income from work will cover all of your needs. You may be familiar with the scenario of getting up in the morning only to find out that you are again short for cash. Although, you don’t need huge amount of money, you can’t think of someone who can lend you money promptly. Don’t get frustrated, the answer to your problem is 30 day payday loans.
This loan option is a small, short term credit that you should pay off at the 30th day of the month, which exactly points down to your next payday. You may look at it as a cash advance, a paycheck advance, or like lending money from a financial institution, with your undertaking to reimburse the amount when your earnings reach your pocket. The cash loan amount can range from $100 up to $1,000.
You may wonder why lenders allow a short term loan like this. The answer is really simple, since you are a working individual, for sure you have a checking account so you can pay for the amount you borrowed when your salary arrives.
The process in getting 30 day payday loans is easy to carry out. If you are proven to be eligible to apply for it, all you have to do is to provide the lender with your identification and other relevant information that may include your SSN, the company you work for and your bank or checking account number. You will then be required to fill up a check of the loan amount together with the interest and processing fees.
The check that you have signed will remain with the lender until your next payday. When the due date or the maturity day comes, you should then go back to the lender and pay the full amount of your loan in cash. If you fail to appear in person, with your consent the lending company will cash out the check so your loan will be cleared out.
Most people prefer to get a payday loan due to its simple application and approval procedure. While conventional types of loans normally require rigid verification of assets that may take several days or weeks before the loans are granted, the qualifications that you need to meet for a payday loan are undemanding and uncomplicated.
Though, there are definite advantages incorporated in this type of loan, you should remember that every opportunity has its corresponding setbacks. A 30 day cash advance has higher interest rates compared to conventional cash advance loans. The processing fee is also more expensive because you will get the money sooner.
It’s also important for you to take note that when you fail to pay the loan amount at the maturity date, this loan may cause you a fortune because of the compounding interest rates and processing fees.
With that being said, you should only apply for 30 day payday loans if you need cash immediately. Additionally, you should keep in mind that this loan type is only for a short term financial relief so you should avoid extending the loan period.