Are you in need of emergency cash? Do you have a pressing obligation that you can’t wait for days to get your loan to be approved? Don’t be upset, because with guaranteed payday loans online which are available today, you can be certain that you will get your loan within just a day. And if you think that your credit record is not good enough for your loan to be granted, stop worrying because help is on hand, even if your credit rating is poor.
Likewise, if your credit record is bad and you have to get a loan in order to deal with some obligations, then you can relax now because irrespective of how terrible your credit is, it is still very possible for you to get an approval for guaranteed payday loans. Yes, you can absolutely get the approval and obtain the cash that you need in as little as 24 hours.
Special features of the loan:
The guaranteed payday loan is easy, fast and 100% guaranteed to be approved. What’s more, the faxing of some documents as well as credit check is not even a requirement anymore. And this is why the processing and approval of the loan is quick as a flash and very much available for people with bad credit records.
This loan is short-term, so the schedule of repayment is only extended up to your next payday. Although, you can stretch this period but you will be charged with late payment fees. The amount of loan which you can avail starts from $100 to $1500.
And remember, guaranteed payday loans typically have higher interest rates as compared to the regular loans. This is quite understandable, as you can see, you can get the loan even without collateral or post-dated checks that can guarantee your repayment. So, apparently, as a security for the lenders, they charge higher rates.
Another good feature of this loan is, the repayment is not complicated since the amount that you owe is automatically subtracted from your bank account on the exact date of the scheduled repayment. In addition, all the transactions, from start to finish are done electronically for added convenience.
The method of obtaining the loan:
The simplest way of obtaining guaranteed payday loans is via the internet. You only have to fill up an application form which you can find in the lending company’s website and submit the completed form through e-mail or by uploading it in the site.
For faster results, you must provide them with complete and accurate information about yourself such as your contact numbers, employment status, details of your bank account, and the total of your monthly income.
After you have submitted the completed form, it will be processed and verified at once. If everything turns out well, your loan is approved right away. Then, the money will be credited to your bank account after 24 hours or less.
The advantages of the guaranteed payday loans:
1. Instant cash is readily available
2. Fast and the approval is 100% certain
3. There’s no credit check
4. Repayment is hassle-free
Lastly, as a borrower, you can seek out and match up several lending companies that you can find online. By doing this, you will be able to find the one with great deal offer. Furthermore, it is highly advised to borrow only how much you exactly need or an amount which you have the capacity to pay back. Also, pay on the due date, extending your repayment time will only triple the amount that you have to pay in the end.