Now there’s a facility that allows you to get cash just when you need it the most. Instant personal loan gives you instant cash, useful for emergencies when you run out of cash. You can be assured that you will have your ready cash the moment you need it.
There are two (2) kinds of instant personal loan: unsecured and secured. The unsecured loan is granted to an individual without the guaranteed that secured loan requires. This means even without a property to present as a guarantee, the individual can avail of the cash that he direly needs. However, this type of loan entails higher risk to the lender and therefore it is understandable that the interest rate is also higher than its secured counterpart.
The secured loan, on the other hand, is granted against a collateral or guarantee. Here, the risk is on the borrower’s property. If he is not able to repay his loan under the terms and conditions, the lender takes over the ownership of his property and resells it to cover for the unpaid loan. Since the risk is on the borrower, the interest rate is also lower than the unsecured loan.
Eligibility requirements for the instant personal loan are the following: (1) the borrower must be of legal age or 18 years old and above; (2) he must be employed; (3) his cash flow must be steady and stable. The loan can be used for a variety of purposes such as emergencies, medical funds, educational assistance, repay credit card overdrafts, and other purposes of urgency.
Instant personal loan is granted not later than the day the loan application was made or within 24 hours from application. The loan proceeds are then transferred to the account of the borrower. It follows therefore that for easier and faster processing, the borrower must have his own bank account.
This loan is granted on a short term basis. This means that repayment of the proceeds is within 14 to 30 days from the day it was granted. The specific date of repayment is the same as the date of the borrower’s pay period. Hence, it is also often referred to as payday loan. In some instances, the term can be extended when the borrower is not able to pay his dues on time. This depends on the agreement though between the borrower and the lending institution.
Nowadays, there are several lending institutions who are offering instant personal loan to borrowers. Their terms and conditions including interest rates may vary. In order for the borrower to get the most from this loan, it will help to review and compare at least three (3) offers and choose one that best suits one’s needs and requirements.
The search need not be difficult especially when one can do it online. All one needs to do is to visit the site of lending institutions offering the service and get an instant quote. By comparing quotes, one can clearly have an idea on where to get his instant loan.