Mortgage Debt Payments Fail to Pick Up Despite Economic Recovery

Statistics show that most consumers are choosing to make their credit card payments over their mortgage payments. Even after the recession is well and truly over, this trend has not changed, which could be a worrying sign for the housing market. [Read more…]

20% Down on a House May Not be Your Best Option

For years financial experts have played up the importance of putting down a 20% deposit when purchasing a house. It has become mainstream and simply accepted by most people that are in the market for a new home, but the truth is that there are arguments that can be made against this strategy. Here are a few reasons why you might want to consider opting out of the 20% down method. [Read more…]

Debt Solutions Have You Been Lied To?

In a time when economics are unpredictable and no one truly knows the best way to proceed, numerous individuals have obtained that all consuming portion of debt we all fear. No matter what caused your current situation, whether it was wishful thinking or wasteful spending, the first thing you need to do is stop feeling sorry for yourself. You are not alone and complaining will not change the current slump in your finances. If and when you are ready to take action, there are certain things to keep in mind. [Read more…]